Bioinformatics and Systems Computer Biology
155-164 A.I. Klimenko, S.A. Lashin, N.A. Kolchanov, D.A. Afonnikov, Yu.G. Matushkin "Molecular Mechanisms to Optimize Gene Translation Elongation Differ Significantly in Bacteria with and without Nonribosomal Peptides"
165-175 T.M. Khlebodarova, P.S. Demenkov, T.V. Ivanisenko, E.A. Antropova, I N. Lavrik, V.A. Ivanisenko "Primary and Secondary micro-RNA Modulation the Extrinsic Pathway of Apoptosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma"
176-181 V.M. Efimov, K.V. Efimov, V.Yu. Kovaleva "Geometric Approach to Phylogeographic Analysis Molecular Genetic Sequences: Principal Components and Dendrograms"
182-192 A.A. Bulygin, A.A. Kuznetsova, O.S. Fedorva, N.A. Kuznetsov "Comparative Analysis of Family A DNA-Polymerases as a Searching Tool for Enzymes with New Properties"
193-203 A.A. Egorova, I.A. Saboiev, N.E. Kostina, D.D. Kuvaeva, A.B. Shcherban, S.M. Ibragimova, E.A. Salina, A.V. Kochetov "Genotype-Specific Features of Cold-Induced Sweetening Process Regulation in Potato Varieties Nikulinsky, Symfonia, and Nevsky"
204-213 T.E. Tyugashev, O.S. Fedorova, N.A. Kuznetsov "Modern Approaches to Protein Engineering to Create Enzymes with New Catalytic Properties"
Systemic Pharmacology and Creation of New Medical Technologies
214-224 T.E. Kornienko, A.L. Zakharenko, E.S. Ilina, A.A. Chepanova, O.D. Zakharova, N.S. Dyrkheeva, N.A. Popova, V.P. Nikolin, A.S. Filimonov, O.A. Luzina, N.F. Salakhutdinov, O.I. Lavrik "Effect of Usnic Acid-Derived Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 1 Inhibitor Used as Monotherapy or in Combination with Olaparib on Transplanted Tumors In Vivo" (SUPPL)
225-234 I.V. Astrakhantseva, V.G. Krut', S.A. Chuvpilo, D.V. Shevyrev, A.N. Shumeev, S.A. Rybtsov, S.A. Nedospasov "On Immunological Studies at Sirius University of Science and Technology"
235-244 E.A. Trifonova, A.A. Kotliarova, A.V. Kochetov "Abnormal mTOR Signaling Pathway Activity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prospects of Mechanism-Based Therapy"
Cell Molecular Biology: From DNA Repair to Metabolomics
245-257 T.A. Kurgina, O.I. Lavrik "Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerases 1 and 2: Classical Functions and Interaction with New Histone Poly(ADP-Ribosyl)ation Factor HPF1"
258-271 L.M. Kulishova, I.P. Vokhtantsev, D.V. Kim, D.O. Zharkov "Mechanisms of the Specificity of the CRISPR/Cas9 System in Genome Editing"
272-283 E.S. Ilina, A.S. Kochetkova, E.A. Belousova, M.M. Kutuzov, O.I. Lavrik, S.N. Khodyreva "Influence of the Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase 1 Level on the Status of Base Excision Repair in Human Cells"
284-290 D.V. Sherbakov, A.B. Arefieva, P.D. Komleva, A.E. Iz'urov, N.V. Khotskin, D.V. Bazovkina, A.V. Kulikov, "Alterations in the Level of mRNA of TPH1, TPH2 Genes, Tryptophan Hydroxylase Activity and Serotonin Metabolism in Mouse Brain Five Days after Lipopolysaccharide Administration"
291-298 L.A. Oleinik, P.G. Madonov, M.B. Pykhtina "Potential of Interferon Lambda as an Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2"
299-311 I.V. Alekseeva, A.A. Kuznetsova, O.A. Kladova, V.O. Shender, P.V. Schneider, O.S. Fedorova, N.A. Kuznetsov "DNA Probes for Analysis of the Activity of Key Enzymes of the Base Excision DNA Repair Pathway in Human Cells"
Structural-Functional Analysis of Biopolymers and Their Complexes
312-319 A.V. Yudkina, E.A. Kovalenko, A.V. Endutkin, E.P. Panferova, A.A. Kirilenko, A.A. Kokhanenko, D.O. Zharkov "Factors Affecting the Stability of the Trimer of 2'-Deoxyuridine 5'-Triphosphate Nucleotide Hydrolase from Escherichia coli"
320-328 D.E. Patrushev, E.A. Burakova, S.N. Bizyaev, A.A. Fokina, D.A. Stetsenko "New Zwitter-Ionic Oligonucleotides: Preparation and Complementary Binding"
Evolutionary, Population, and Medical Genomics, Transcriptomics
329-337 L.E. Tabikhanova, L.P. Osipova, T.V. Churkina, S.S. Kovalev, M.L. Filipenko, E.N. Voronina "Increased Frequencies of the -174G and -572C IL6 Alleles in Populations of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia Compared to Russians"
338-345 K. Hussain, A. Ishtiaq, I. Mushtaq, I. Murtaza "Profiling of Targeted miRNAs (8-nt) for the Genes Involved in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Hypertrophy"
346-355 L.A. Fedoseeva, S.E. Smolenskaya, A.L. Markel, O.E. Redina "Genes Associated with Increased Stress Sensitivity in Hypertensive ISIAH Rats"
356-365 M.B. Pavlova, D.A. Smagin, N.N. Kudryavtseva, N.A. Dyuzhnikova "Changes in Expression of Genes Associated with Calcium Processes in the Hippocampus in Mice Exposed to Chronic Social Stress" (SUPPL)
366-373 L.P. Zakharenko, D.V. Petrovskii, R.A. Bykov "The P-Element Has Not Significant Effect on the Drosophila simulans Viability"