Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics.
1-7 E.V. Evtushenko, E.A.Elisafenko, A.V.Vershinin "The Relationship between Two Tandem Repeat Families in Rye Heterochromatin"
8-13 Z.Q. Yuan, B.S. Zhao, J.Y. Zhang, S.C. Zhang "Characterization and Expression of i>DjPreb Gene in the Planarian Dugesia japonica"
14-22 Y.D. He, D.D. Liu, D.M. Xi, L.Y. Yang, Y.W. Tan, Q. Liu, H.M. Mao, W.D. Deng "Isolation, sequence identification and expression profile of three novel genes Rab2A, Rab3A and Rab7A from black-boned sheep (Ovis aries)"
23-27 S.V. Buikin, M.V. Golubenko, V.P. Puzyrev "Genes for Mitochondria in Arterial Hypertension and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy"
28-36 G.F. Korytina, L.Z. Akhmadishina, T.V. Viktorova "Frequencies of CYP1B1 and CYP2F1 Polymorphic Variants in Three Ethnic Groups of Bashkortostan and in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease"
Cell Molecular Biology
37-44 P. Zhang, J.G. Wang, J.Y. Wan, W.Q. Liu "Screening Efficient siRNAs in vitro AS The Candidate Genes For Chicken Anti-Avian Influenza Virus H5N1 Breeding"
45-53 S.V. Chabelskaya, G.A. Zhouravleva "Mutations in the SUP35 Gene Impair Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay"
Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics.
54-66 L.K. Su, C.P. Lu, Y. Wang, D.M. Cao, J.H. Sun, Y.X. Yan "Lysogenic Infection of a Shiga Toxin 2-Converting Bacteriophage Changes Host Gene Expression, Enhances Host Acid Resistance and Motility"
67-76 D.A. Mogilenko, I.V. Kudrjavtsev, S.V. Orlov, A.D. Kharazova, A.V. Polevshikov "Expression of the Starfish Complement Component C3 Gene Homolog under the Influence of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide"
77-81 Yan Liu, Jiang Maorong, Chen Xia, Youlang Zhou, Mei Liu, Fei Ding, Xiaosong Gu "Molecular сloning, сharacterization, and expression of the endothelial differentiation-related factor -1 (EDF-1) in Gekko japonicus"
82-88 A.V. Ivanov, N.M. Parakhnevitch, A.A. Malygin, G.G. Karpova "Human Ribosomal Protein S16 Inhibits Excision of the First Intron from Its Own Pre-mRNA"
89-96 I.A. Akimov, E.L. Chernolovskaya "Silencing of the CCNB1, Her2, and PKC Genes by Small Interfering RNA Differently Retards the Division of Different Human Cancer Cell Lines"
97-108 S.N. Beljelarskaya, N.N. Koroleva, V.I. Popenko, V.L. Drutsa, O.O. Orlova, P.M. Rubtsov, S.N. Kochetkov "Hepatitis C Virus Structural Proteins and Virus-like Particles Produced in Recombinant Baculovirus-Infected Insect Cells"
Structural-Functional Analysis of Biopolymers and Their Complexes
109-118 M.Y. Lobanov, A.V. Finkelstein "Analogy-Based Protein Structure Prediction: III. Optimizing the Combination of the Substitution Matrix and Pseudopotentials Used to Align Protein Sequences with Spatial Structures"
119-127 D.V. Antonets, A.Z. Maksyuto "TEpredict: Software for T-Cell Epitope Prediction"
128-139 K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky "Attenuation Regulation of the Amino Acid and Aminoacyl-tRNA Biosynthesis Operons in Bacteria: A Comparative Genomic Analysis" (SUPPL)
140-149 E.A. Ponomarenko, A.V. Lisitsa, E.V. Ilgisonis, A.I. Archakov "Construction of Protein Semantic Networks Using PubMed/MEDLINE"
150-157 O.O. Sokolova, V.G. Bogush, L.I. Davydova, S.V. Polevova, S.A. Antonov, T.V. Neretina, D.V. Klinov, V.G. Debabov, M.P. Kirpichnikov "The Formation of a Quaternary Structure by Recombinant Analogs of Spider Silk Proteins"
158-160 V.M. Pekhov, N.Y. Krasnova, A.M. Mazur, O.V. Selezneva, E.B. Prokhortchouk, C.T. Momynaliev "Methylation Of Cpg Dinucleotides in the Helicobacter pylori Genome at a Higher Methionine Concentration"